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23.10.2016 11:24 - Новия Световен Ред: Фронт за кабалистичната еврейска тирания
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NWO : Front for Cabalist Jewish Tyranny

May 17, 2009


imageBy Henry Makow Ph.D.


In the expanded edition of "Under the Sign of the Scorpion" (2002) Estonian writer Jyri Lina unearths Cabalist (Masonic) Jewish authors who take credit for Communism, and by extension World Government. While long suspected, this has rarely been confirmed by Jewish sources.

The Bolshevik Revolution "was brought about through the hands of the Jews," M. Kohan wrote April 12, 1919 in the newspaper Kommunist (Kharkov). The article is entitled:"The Jews" Service to the Working Class" and continues: "Could the dark and oppressed masses of Russian workers and peasants throw off the yoke of the bourgeoisie themselves? No, it was Jews from beginning to end who showed [them] the way to the rosy dawn of internationalism and who to this day rule the Soviet Russia." (p.161)

Lina cites a Zionist (i.e. Masonic) document found on the body of a Jewish Communist Battalion Commander published in an Estonian newspaper on Dec 31, 1919 that suggests Communism in fact was a disguised economic, race and religious war:

 "Sons of Israel! The time of our final victory is near. We stand at the beginning of our world dominion and our renown....We have transformed Russia into an economic slave and taken nearly all of its riches..We must eliminate their best and most talented individuals...We must provoke class war and dissension among the blind peasants and workers [and] ...annihilate the cultural values the Christian peoples have acquired...faithful sons of Israel hold the highest posts in the nation and rule over the enslaved Slavs." (p.162)

Lina"s book provides substantial support for the view (which I share) that mankind is the victim of a long-term Satanic (Cabalist Jewish, Masonic) conspiracy to enslave and despoil it. The Masonic & Jewish central banking cartel used the rhetoric of Communism (class warfare & public ownership) to conquer Russia and China. These were basically foreign (Jewish, Masonic) invasions disguised as "revolutions." Talk of reform was a ruse. The New World Order is an extension of the same force to embrace the whole planet.

Naturally, the Communists didn"t want this connection made. They outlawed "anti-Semitism" on pain of death. Russian patriots were regarded as "anti-Semitic" and exterminated. People in possession of the "Protocols of Zion" were executed on the spot.

The fact that Communist atrocities are soft pedalled here in the West and "hate laws" introduced, confirms that the same power is in control here. Based on their track record, unless they have changed, we could be in grave danger. Communist executions were published in the Cheka"s weekly newspaper. In 1917-18, 1.7 million people were executed. From Jan 1921 to April 1922, 700,000 were executed. Among the victims was the cream of Russian society-bishops, professors, writers, doctors-- all accused of "anti-social thinking." Lina writes that "the eyes of church dignitaries were poked out, their tongues were cut off and they were burned alive...The Bishop of Voronezh was boiled alive in a big pot and monks forced to drink this soup." (pp. 110-112)

Luna cites the Old Testament (Isaiah, Deuteronomy) as the ideological source of this barbarism. Their God commanded the Jews to slaughter and enslave the goyim and to take their property. (p.113) (Lina, however, is no Christian--calling Christianity the "religion of slaves.") He lists by name 60 top members of the murderous CHEKA in the 1930"s. All but two were Jewish. (290)


imageMost Jews today were not alive in 1918-1922 and would be appalled by the idea that there is a Satanic Jewish conspiracy to enslave mankind. They are not a conscious part of it. Most would be opposed. Most haven"t a clue about the Talmud or the Cabala. They do not realize that Zionism and organized Jewry are run by these fanatical bankers and have a secret agenda.

The constant calls for non-democratic world government by banker- owned politicians are proof that this conspiracy is indeed very real.

Non-Masonic Jews need to declare their opposition because, if history is any indication, anti-Semitism will grow, and they will be blamed and targeted. 

By now, this conspiracy has subverted all social institutions and groups, Jewish and non-Jewish. The way the Gentile elite has succumbed to Satanism is appalling. The most charitable view is that they have been deceived or that the decent ones were all killed in the phony wars. 

Jyri Lina has performed an admirable service by exposing the real character of the Russian Revolution. He puts it in the context of the French Revolution which was instigated by the same forces. In both cases, the "revolutionaries" had no interest in the welfare of the people. Quite the opposite, they dismantled what was good and stole everything of value:

"The Russian workers became slaves to the international extremist Jews..formerly secret Communist Party archives reveal Trotsky had $80 million in US banks and 90 million Swiss Francs in Swiss banks." (157) In Oct. 1918 Jewish bankers in Berlin received 3125 kilos of plundered Russian gold. (278)

Similarly Lina describes how the Masonic Jewish bankers started World War One. He cites an article by a Rabbi Reichorn July 1, 1880: "We shall force the goyim into a war by exploiting their pride arrogance and stupidity." (182)  

The Masonic newspaper "British Israel Truth" wrote in 1906: "We must prepare outselves for big changes in a great war which faces the peoples of Europe" (181)

In 1919, a Zionist newspaper wrote that International Jewry forced Europe into the war so "a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world."  (181) 

We are in the grip of a pernicious power. The true meaning of "Enlightenment" and "Revolution" is to overturn the natural and spiritual order of the universe and replace God with Lucifer who represents the pretensions of the Illuminati (Masonic) and Jewish bankers. Our social, political and cultural life is orchestrated by them.

But like cockroaches, they fear exposure. Juri Lina has shone the light.His must-read book can be purchased for $30 by writing to him directly. jyrilina@yahoo.com


Also by Jyri Luna  "Architects of Deception"  Freemasonry: Mankind"s Deathwish

Winston Churchill"s Famous "Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People"



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